- Insider Trading - AMF launches penal proceedings against three insiders
- Cease trade order and administrative penalty against Jean Desbiens
- Appointment of Mario Albert as Superintendent, Distribution
- Registrations withdrawn for Paul Gagné and Tip Investment Advisors Ltd
- Interlocutory decision against Élise Pépin et associés inc.
- Freeze order against G.I.S.P., G.I.S.P., Earl Mattews and Reyanne Briand
- Jitec - Ali Reza Bassiri ordered to pay four times minimum fine
- 2nd edition of Rendez-vous with the AMF October 15 in Montréal
- CSA study shows one in 20 Canadians a victim of investment fraud - often introduced by someone they know and trust
- Enviromondial inc. - BDRVM dismisses objections to cease trade orders