The Autorité des marchés financiers puts an end to a contempt proceeding in the enviromondial file

Decisions and Freeze and cease trade orders Securities

Montréal – On April 5, 2004, the Agence nationale d’encadrement du secteur financier (also known by the name "Autorité des marchés financiers" or "Autorité") put an end to the contempt of court proceeding against Bernard Letarte, Charles A. Morin, Carole Janelle, Mijanou Dubois, Liliane Colpron and Josée Fiset, given that they submitted to questioning before AMF staff and that they provided the documents required by subpoena in connection with the investigation.

To read press releases previously published in this matter, please consult the AMF’s website, under the heading Media Centre / Press Releases.

Established on February 1, 2004, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector. The AMF consists of the Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec, the Bureau des services financiers, the Régie de l'assurance-dépôts du Québec, the Fonds d'indemnisation des services financiers and the Inspector General of Financial Institutions.

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