Question Retraite - New educational brochure


Montréal — Mindful of the importance of financial preparations for retirement, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), in co-operation with Question Retraite, has published a new educational brochure intended to raise awareness of the advantages of investing in an RRSP and help investors choose suitable investment vehicles.

Entitled Mieux investir pour accumuler davantage en vue de la retraite, the brochure explains what consumers need to know about an RRSP, while illustrating its advantages through concrete examples. It presents scenarios that compare accrued after-tax values of different types of investments, whether they are held in an RRSP or not. Since numerous investment vehicles are available to consumers, examples highlight three main types of investments:

  • interest income
  • capital gains
  • labour-sponsored investment funds

The brochure offers support when purchasing financial products or services by providing pertinent and objective information in plain language. It does not give any personalized advice. Furthermore, the AMF and Question Retraite wish to remind investors that an RRSP is one of several tools that can be used to accumulate wealth for retirement.

Mieux investir pour accumuler davantage en vue de la retraite is available free of charge on the websites of the AMF and Question Retraite, or by contacting these organizations directly.

Question Retraite is a public-private consortium dedicated to the promotion of financial security at retirement. Its partners, including the AMF, support and organize activities to educate and inform Quebeckers about the importance of financial security at retirement.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector.

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Media only:
Frédéric Alberro (514) 940-2176

Information Centre:
1 877 525-0337

Question Retraite:
Catherine Ratté
418-657-8738, ext. 3511 This link will open in a new window