Preventing fraud against seniors - AMF supports AQDR initiative


Montréal – The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is pleased to support the Association québécoise de défense des droits des retraités et préretraités (AQDR) and its seniors fraud prevention program Serez-vous le prochain poisson?

The program, funded by the AMF Education and Good Governance Fund and supported by other partners, will be deployed across Québec to raise awareness among thousands of AQDR members about financial fraud. The program includes information workshops, promotional tools such as posters and pamphlets as well as a short theatrical production about the most common types of fraud. It also covers topics such as identity theft, affinity fraud, investment seminars and pyramid schemes.

"Cases of financial fraud targeting seniors are particularly numerous and harmful. The AQDR's initiatives help instill the right reflexes in seniors to protect themselves against fraud," noted Anne-Marie Poitras, Superintendent, Client Services and Compensation.

"Our message remains clear. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! We strongly urge consumers to report any fraud attempt against them to the AMF Information Centre. By reporting fraud, they can help to reduce the number of fraud victims. Combating fraud is everyone's business!" added Ms. Poitras.

Consumers can obtain a free copy of their personal anti-fraud guide "Red-Flagging Financial Fraud" by contacting the AMF Information Centre or downloading it from the AMF website, which also features other useful guides:

  • Investing? Do your homework first!
  • Beware of RRSP fraud
  • Watch out for securities fraud

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector.

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Media only:
Sylvain Théberge: (514) 940-2176

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