Integrity in Public Contracts Act - 25 new Ville de Montréal contracts now covered under the Act

Public Contracts

Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) wishes to inform business enterprises bidding on 25 new contracts covered by the latest Order in Council - Certain contracts of Ville de Montréal that they must first file an authorization application with the AMF by the bid submission deadline. These enterprises should download the form and appendices


for assistance in preparing an application for authorization.

To view the list of 25 new contracts, click here (pdf - 46 KB)This link will open in a new windowUpdated on April 2, 2013.

Processing of applications

When the Ville de Montréal has analyzed bids on any of the 75 contracts covered to date by an Order in Council and forwarded the names of the two highest ranking tenderers to the AMF, the latter will then process the authorization applications filed by the two tenderers.

In addition to the applications of enterprises bidding on any of the 75 Ville de Montréal contracts, the AMF is processing authorization applications from enterprises responding to a call for tenders for public or public-private partnership contracts and subcontracts equal to or greater than $40 million.

The AMF verifies whether the applications are complete and compliant, before forwarding the information obtained to UPAC. In co-operation with the Sûreté du Québec, Revenu Québec, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec and the Commission de la construction du Québec, UPAC performs the audits it considers necessary and gives the AMF an opinion regarding the enterprise applying for authorization. This opinion will indicate the reason UPAC is recommending or, as the case may be, refusing authorization. Once it has received the opinion from UPAC, the AMF will issue a decision on the authorization application.

Enterprises that are issued AMF authorization are immediately entered in the register of enterprises authorized to enter into public contracts and subcontracts available on the AMF website.


Enterprises not competing in a public call for tenders for contracts and subcontracts, including public-private partnership agreements, equal to or greater than $40 million and enterprises not bidding on any of the 75 Ville de Montréal contracts listed in an Order in Council should wait before filing an authorization application. Applications by enterprises covered by Orders in Council pursuant to the Integrity in Public Contracts Act will be processed on a priority basis.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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