An important announcement for the future of the financial sectorInauguration of the Autorité des marchés financiers's head office


Québec – The Minister of Finance of Québec, Mr. Yves Séguin, the Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for the National Capital region, Mr. Michel Després, as well as the Chief Executifve Officer of the Autorité des marches financiers, Mr. Jean St-Gelais, will inaugurate that organization’s head office on Wednesday May 5, 2004. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will take place at the Cominar tower of the Place de la Cité, located at 2640 Laurier Boulevard in Québec City.

An important announcement will be made on this occasion regarding the role of the Fonds réservé à l’éducation des investisseurs et à la promotion de la gouvernance (fund for investor education and the promotion of good governance) in the future of the Québec’s financial sector.


Wednesday, May 5, 2004


Autorité des marchés financiers
Place de la Cité, Cominar tower
2640 Laurier Boulevard, Québec City


5:30 p.m.: Start of the event
6:10 p.m.: Start of speeches
6:30 p.m.: Press briefing

— 30 —


Journalists only: Barbara Timmins (514) 940-2176
Issuers, dealers, advisers and representatives: (877) 525-0337, dial 9 for English, then dial 1 for industry
Investors: (877) 525-0337, dial 9 for English,then dial 2 for consumers