Good News for Investors!

CSA Securities

It will now be easier for Canadians to make an informed decision before investing in a mutual fundUn fonds commun de placement (FCP), ou organisme de placement collectif, est le regroupement de l'argent de plusieurs investisseurs, qu'un gestionnaire utilise pour acquérir des actions, des obligations ou d'autres titres en fonction des objectifs du fonds.. Starting on June 13, 2014, mutual fund investors will be able to draw on the Fund Facts, a document of no more than two pages that highlights key information about a mutual fund, instead of reading through a prospectusLe prospectus est un document d'information détaillé qu'une entreprise doit produire pour pouvoir émettre des titres (par exemple, des actions) au grand public.
Le prospectus doit présenter tous les faits importants susceptibles d'affecter la valeur ou le cours du titre faisant l'objet du placement, et ce, de façon complète, véridique et claire.
containing dozens of pages of information.

The Fund Facts will give investors information about a fund's portfolio, its potential benefits, risks and costs. This will assist them in understanding recommendations made by representatives and asking them questions. The prospectus will continue to be available to investors at all times, upon request and at no cost.

This project was carried out by the Canadian Securities Administrators. The Fund Facts was tested with investors and, based on their feedback, changes were made to enhance the presentation of risk, cost and performance disclosure to help make the document easier to understand.

A video capsule This link will open in a new window on the Fund Facts (in French only) is also available.