Gladys Chacon fined $6,000


Montréal - On January 12, 2015, Justice of the Peace Serge Cimon of the Court of Québec for the district of Montréal found Gladys Chacon, a former insurance of persons representative, guilty of the charge brought against her by the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") of illegal practice as an insurance of persons representative. He also fined her a total of $6,000, représenting three times the minimum fine.

Gladys Chacon was temporarily struck off the roll This link will open in a new window by the Chambre de la sécurité financière in 2008.

The sentence was issued in Ms. Chacon's absence and the proceedings were served on her through newspapers in March 2014.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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