CSA awards "Test your financial I.Q." grand prize to a young Quebecer


Montréal – In the second edition of the Test Your Financial I.Q. contest, Canada's securities regulators have awarded a $2,500 prize to a 17 year-old Montrealer for her essay on the importance of saving and investing wisely at an early age.

In an essay entitled Maître de soi... et de son argent, winner Kim Ma proposed an ingenious plan which would allow her to save her money and make it grow. The strategy combined portfolio diversification, a good understanding of the selected financial products and a realistic analysis of the opportunities offered by the financial markets, all while taking into account her risk tolerance and financial goals. “By saving and investing wisely, I have self-control and, especially, control of my money”, Kim Ma said in her essay’s conclusion.

The Test Your Financial I.Q. contest aims to make young people aware of the benefits of investing and to encourage them to learn about the financial products available on the market. Over 600 Canadians from 14 to 18 years of age participated in this second annual Test Your Financial I.Q. contest.

In addition to the grand prize of $2,500, 12 provincial and territorial prizes of $750 each were awarded:

  • Alberta – Eva Hu
  • British Columbia – Jocelyn Bootle
  • Manitoba – Wendy Kwong
  • New Brunswick – Raphaelle Theriault
  • Newfoundland & Labrador – Meredith Loveys
  • Northwest Territories – Matthew Grundy
  • Nova Scotia – Dominic Daemen
  • Ontario – Clinton Cairns
  • PEI – Graham Watts
  • Québec – Kim Ma
  • Saskatchewan – Courtney Johnson
  • Yukon – Helen Booth

The CSA is a council of the 13 securities regulators of Canada's provinces and territories. It coordinates and harmonizes regulation for the Canadian capital markets.

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Media relations contacts:

CSA member name

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Autorité des marchés financiers

Barbara Timmins


www.lautorite.qc.ca This link will open in a new window

Alberta Securities Commission

Joni Delaurier


www.albertasecurities.com This link will open in a new window

British Columbia Securities Commission

Andrew Poon


www.bcsc.bc.ca This link will open in a new window

Manitoba Securities Commission

Ainsley Cunningham


www.mbsecurities.ca This link will open in a new window

New Brunswick Securities Administration Branch

Christina Taylor



Northwest Territories Registrar of Securities

Tony Wong


www.justice.gov.nt.ca This link will open in a new window

Nova Scotia Securities Commission

Scott Peacock


https://nssc.novascotia.ca This link will open in a new window

Ontario Securities Commission

Perry Quinton


www.osc.gov.on.ca This link will open in a new window

Prince Edward Island Office of Attorney General

Mark Gallant


www.gov.pe.ca This link will open in a new window

Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission

Patti Pacholek


www.saskatchewan.ca This link will open in a new window

Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador

Susan W. Powell


www.gov.nl.ca/scon This link will open in a new window

Yukon Registrar of Securities

Richard Roberts

