Call for candidates - AMF Creates Investment Products Advisory Committee

Securities Organization

Montréal – The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") is calling for candidates to serve on an advisory committee on investment products, primarily mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, non-redeemable investment funds and individual segregated funds.

The Investment Products Advisory Committee's core mandate is to examine and discuss issues relating to efficient frameworks for managing and distributing investment products and provide feedback and suggestions for enhancing the development and implementation of those frameworks.

Set up and co-ordinated by the AMF, the Committee will be composed of up to 15 outside members from various related areas and professions as well as AMF representatives. Members must have extensive experience in their respective fields and a solid understanding of investment product regulation.

The AMF is seeking to have a Committee composed of members representing manufacturers and distributors of investment products (primarily mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, non-redeemable investment funds and individual segregated funds), as well as investor advocates. It also wants to ensure that Committee members reflect the various business models within Québec's investment sector.

Committee members will be appointed for an initial three-year term, which may be extended in accordance with conditions to be determined by the AMF. The Committee will meet three to six times a year and members will not be paid for their participation.

Anyone interested in being part of the Committee should read the call for candidates. The deadline for applications is May 5, 2017.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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