AMF Technological Innovation Advisory Committee welcomes eight new members (copie 1)

Fintech Organization

The Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”) is pleased to announce the following appointments to its Technological Innovation Advisory Committee (“TIAC”).

  • Martin Caron, Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Development, National Bank
  • Liam Cheung, CEO, Tactex
  • Laurent Féral-Pierssens, Partner, Inception Block Ventures
  • Yves-Gabriel Leboeuf, Founder and CEO, Flinks
  • Scott Loong, Co-Founder and CEO, Covera
  • Charles Morgan, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault
  • David Nault, General Partner, Luge Capital
  • Stéphane Rochon, President and CEO, Humania Assurance

The other outside members of the TIAC are:

  • Dominique Ferst, Managing Partner, Ferst Capital Partners
  • Jonathan Hamel, Founder, Académie Bitcoin
  • Michael Holder, Compliance and Legal Counsel, Wealthsimple
  • Alexandre Hovette, Managing Partner and Head, Regulatory Expertise Center, Chappuis Halder & Co.
  • François Lafortune, Co-Founder, CEO and Partner, Diagram/Power Financial Ventures
  • Pascal Lefrançois, President, Inovestor
  • Pina Marra, Senior Advisor, Desjardins Group
  • Elisabeth Préfontaine, Founder, Octonomics

The TIAC, which also brings together representatives of the <link en professionals fintech-financial-technology the-amf-in-the-fintech-ecosystem>AMF Fintech Group, is a forum for discussion on fintech innovations and related regulatory, market efficiency and consumer protection issues.