Special method of serviceAMF files application with tribunal regarding Solo International Inc. and several individuals

Securities Service of hearing notices

Montréal – The publication of this news release constitutes the method of service of a notice of hearing and an application instituting proceedings on respondents Solo International Inc., Michel PlanteNOTE, Frederick Langford Sharp, Shawn Van Damme, Vincenzo Antonio Carnovale and Pasquale Antonio Rocca (the “Application”). This method of service was authorized by the Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers (the “Tribunal”) on March 30, 2017 in respect of respondents Frederick Langford Sharp, Vincenzo Antonio Carnovale and Pasquale Antonio Rocca.

With the Application, the Autorité des marchés financiers (the “AMF”) is asking the Tribunal to issue an order to cease any activity in respect of a transaction in the securities of Solo International Inc.

The AMF is also asking that the Tribunal issue, against Michel Plante, Frederick Langford Sharp, Shawn Van Damme, Vincenzo Antonio Carnovale and Pasquale Antonio Rocca, orders to cease any activity in respect of a transaction in securities, prohibitions from acting as a director or officer of any issuer, dealer, adviser or investment fund manager for five years, and administrative penalties for having, by an act or omission, contravened or aided in the contravention of a provision of the Securities Act or a regulation thereunder.

The Application is available at the offices of the AMF to respondents Frederick Langford Sharp, Vincenzo Antonio Carnovale and Pasquale Antonio Rocca, and this news release constitutes the method of service thereon.

Be advised that the Application will be presented pro forma at 2 p.m. on April 27, 2017 in the Paul-Fortugno room of the Tribunal located at 500 René-Lévesque Boulevard West, No. 16.40 in Montréal, Québec.

The lang="fr">Autorité des marchés financiers (the “AMF”) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec’s financial sector.

The respondent Michel Plante should not be confused with:

  • Michel Plante who holds certificate No. 127261 in insurance of persons and damage insurance (broker), and is registered as an independent representative;
  • Michel Plante who holds certificate No. 127262 in insurance of persons and group insurance of persons with 2863-2784 Québec inc., and is registered as a dealing representative of a mutual fund dealer with Investia Financial Services Inc.

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