AMF Excellence Program - master's students receive scholarships


Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") has announced the names of three new recipients of scholarships under its Excellence Program. They were chosen from among the students who responded to the AMF's call for projects by October 15, 2015.

The recipients of the $8,000 Master's scholarships are:

From the University of Québec at Montréal:

  • Imène Lehbil, Master's in Accounting, specialized in control and audit. Thesis topic: corporate disclosure and the impact of laws and regulations on financial statements.
  • Cristian Stratica, Master's in Economic Science. Thesis topic: the impact of earnings tax policies on location decisions by multinational corporations.

From the University of Sherbrooke:

  • Alexandre Cabana Brochu, Master's in Administration, specialized in fighting financial crime. Thesis topic: the impact of banking secrecy on the future of offshore financial centres.

A brief description of the recipients' research is available on our website.

Through the Education and Good Governance Fund (EGGF) the AMF has set up a program aimed at Québec university students at the Master's and Doctoral levels working on a thesis (research project) in areas associated with its mission. The AMF provides $8,000 scholarships for Master's students and $20,000 scholarships for Doctoral students. The EGGF accepts applications submitted by April 15 and October 15 each year.

"The Excellence Program reflects the AMF's efforts to promote knowledge in all areas associated with our mission and to recognize innovation and excellence among students," said Louis Morisset, AMF President and CEO.

For eligibility and selection criteria as well as the procedure to follow, see the Scholarship Guide.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the "AMF") is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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