AMF Advisory Board - Three new appointments


Montréal - Marie-Agnès Thellier, Yves Morency and Florent Francoeur were recently appointed by the Minister of Finance to serve on the Conseil consultatif de régie administrative (the "Advisory Board") of the Autorité des marchés financiers (the "Authority" or the "AMF").

Established within the AMF under An Act respecting the Autorité des marchés financiers This link will open in a new window, the Advisory Board is composed of a maximum of seven members appointed by the Minister of Finance for a term of not more than three years, which may be renewed twice only. They are chosen for their knowledge of the financial industry as well as for their expertise in the area of administrative management.

The Advisory Board advises the AMF on the compatibility of its actions with its mission as well as its corporate governance, in particular as regards its budget estimates, staffing plan and activity plan. It also makes recommendations to the President and Chief Executive Officer concerning the appointment of AMF superintendents. Lastly, it reports to the Minister of Finance on any matter submitted to it by the Minister.

Marie-Agnès Thellier has been President and CEO of the Cercle des présidents du Québec since January 16, 2006. In the 15 years prior to holding this position, she managed projects and teams, primarily in the area of print media. From fall 2007 until her recent appointment to the Advisory Board, Ms. Thellier served on the Assessment Committee that studied projects submitted to the AMF's Education and Good Governance Fund.

Yves Morency has held various positions at Desjardins Group over the course of his professional career, in particular, that of Vice-President, Government Relations. He also served on numerous boards of directors, such as those of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Québec and the Bureau des services financiers.

Florent Francoeur has held the position of President and CEO of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés since 1992. He has been instrumental in its development and positioning with government bodies, human resources associations and the public.

The AMF wishes to sincerely thank Jacques Saint-Pierre and Jean Phaneuf, who are completing their terms of office, for their significant contribution over the years to the Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board is now made up of Bernard Motulsky, Chair, Michel Lespérance, Secretary, Louise Charette, Florent Francoeur, Andrée Mayrand, Yves Morency and Marie-Agnès Thellier.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (the AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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