Solicitation on the InternetCaution against solicitation by Vincenzo Pettinicchio, NPFB Europe SRL and World of Tickets inc.

Investor warnings - News Securities

Montréal - The Autorité des marchés financiers ("AMF") cautions Québec consumers against the activities of Vincenzo (Vince) Pettinicchio and the firms NPFB Europe SRL and Wide World of Tickets, inc., also operating under the name World of Tickets inc.

Vincenzo Pettinicchio is allegedly soliciting Canadian and Québec consumers through Internet ads via Kijiji. He is proposing investments in the resale of tickets for shows and sports events.

Vincenzo Pettinicchio is not registered with the AMF in any capacity. He is therefore not authorized to solicit Québec consumers or act as a dealer or adviser for investment purposes.

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission recently issued an investor alert This link will open in a new window regarding the activities of Vincenzo Pettinicchio and the firms mentioned above.

Don't become a victim of fraud

Whether on the Internet or in person, offering investments is a regulated activity. The person or firm offering investments must be registered with the AMF. To avoid being a victim of this type of fraud, don't forget to check the AMF's register of firms and individuals authorized to practise.

If you think you have detected or been the target of a scam, do not hesitate to contact the AMF Information Centre. Your information may be useful to the AMF in its efforts to better protect investors.

The AMF website provides information on how to prevent fraud.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the regulatory and oversight body for Québec's financial sector.

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